阳光养猪场系统开发 阳光养猪场源码搭建_深圳市聚艺雕塑制作有限公司


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阳光养猪场系统开发 阳光养猪场源码搭建

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-01-09 03:40
浏览次数: 2024
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阳光养猪场系统开发 阳光养猪场源码搭建 详细说明



Mikhail panaseuk, director of the Institute of nuclear physics in skobelitzen, Moscow University and vice chairman of the International Committee for space research, said that Russian scientists have developed a new way to find life on Mars and other celestial bodies in the solar system - using laser scans of their su-ces from spacecraft or landing stations to make judgments. Relevant research results are published in the latest issue of space research.

&uot;based on the methods proposed by our university biologists, we have proposed a method to measure and an instrument to determine the survival rate of microorganisms in outer space,&uot; said Mihail Panasonic. This method is based on the characteristics of fluorescence radiation of biological objects with micro size after being irradiated by laser beam. We can judge whether there is life on the object under study. &uot; He said that with the aid of the instrument, objects can be checked within hundreds of kilometers, but only traces of life can be found on the su-ce of the soil.

The Institute of nuclear physics, the Department of physics and biology, and the Institute of physical and chemical biology of belozelski, Moscow University, participated in the research of this method. The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian &uot;boomerang&uot; spacecraft scientific euipment development, which will be used to explore Mars and bring soil samples from Mars satellite Phobos back to earth.

阳光养猪场系统开发 阳光养猪场源码搭建深圳市聚艺雕塑制作有限公司的主要产品,我们的产品负责人是余滨,有需要的朋友请直接拨打我的电话13060884245,我们的地址是,期待与您的合作!
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